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Warhammer 40,000 2,000 point ITC Tournament

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  • Description

    Warhammer 40,000 Tourney

    Saturday February 26th, 2022

    Points: 2,000

    Missions: (From the Warhammer 40,000 Chapter Approved: Warzone Nachmund Grand Tournemnet Book)

    1. The Scourging (page 48)

    2. Data-Scry Salvage (page 42)
    3. Death and Zeal (page52)


    The event will be $15 and will be fully prize supported 

    At 10 players prize payout will be 

    1st place will be - 35 in store credit 

    2nd place will be - 30 in store credit

    3rd place will be - 10 in store credit

    Best painted will be - 10 in store credit

    More players will mean greater payouts. 

    Event Notes:

    -We will be using the ITC 2021 Code of Conduct.   You can find the ITC Code of Conduct here: https://www.frontlinegaming.org/2021/06/21/updated-itc-code-of-conduct/ 

    -We will be using the ITC Scoring System: 3-1-0.  See page 49 of this document for the scoring system breakdown: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1-KqIaF_YxqErkzkMuwVefo7bbowra89c/view 

    -Models do not need to be painted to use in the event.  However, if the army is not painted to the ITC Bronze Level, it cannot win any prizes.  See page 21 of this document for the Bronze Level: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1-KqIaF_YxqErkzkMuwVefo7bbowra89c/view 

    -Models must follow the WYSIWYG rule.  If you have a conversion that you are unsure of, please contact the store Tournament Organiser Jordan here: https://www.facebook.com/terracruxjordan/ 

    Event Schedule: 

    Check in starts at 10.30

    Round 1: 11:00am to 1:30pm

    Lunch and Painting Competition

    Round 2: 2:00pm to 4:30 pm

    Round 3: 4:45pm-7:15pm

    Closing Ceremony